Below we will pick out the best free M4V converter. But you will be lost while choosing the suitable M4V to MP4 converter software. There are varieties of M4V to MP4 converters with high performance in the market. Then, the video files could be recognized by almost all devices and media players.

Thus, if you want to enjoy iTunes videos on other devices, you need to convert protected M4V to MP4 format first. It can be supported by most devices and platforms. Besides, DRM-ed M4V files are only permitted to be playable on Apple-approved devices. But various portable devices couldn't support M4V files. DRM-free M4V files are available for some media players. They are unprotected M4V files and DRM-ed M4V files. Generally speaking, M4V files could be divided to two different types. It is widely used to store iTunes movies, TV episodes, music videos, etc. M4V, short for MPEG-4, is one of the standard formats of video file.

What Is M4V and Why We Need a M4V Converter